
A trademark is one of the fundamental assets of a company and it distinguishes its products and services on the market.
Trademarks may consist of words, numbers, images (also combined with words, e.g. logos), shapes of products or their packaging, colors, sounds and, more generally, any distinctive sign that may be represented.
Trademarks, as well as domain names, can be registered at the national, European or even global level.


  • Preliminary analysis of trademarks to be protected and related products and services
  • Direct filing of Italian, EU and international trademark applications
  • Worldwide extensions through foreign associates
  • Assistance in examination procedures
  • Trademark and domain name oppositions
  • Appeals before boards of appeal
  • Surveillance and deadline warnings
  • Renewal of trademarks and domain names
  • Registration of assignments and licenses
  • Advice on legal actions
  • Economic valuation of trademarks
  • Prior art searches
  • Monitoring of competitors' trademarks and domain names
  • Anti-counterfeiting service
  • Filing of collective, certification and historical trademarks
  • Drafting of collective trademarks regulations
  • Filing of trademarks before customs
  • Customs surveillance
  • Filing of geographical indications
  • Domain name registration

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