Renato de Alteriis

Notarbartolo & Gervasi, Rome
Searches and opinions


  • Master’s degree in materials engineering, University of Naples Federico II
  • Ph.D. in materials and structural engineering, University of Naples Federico II


  • Industrial Property Attorney, Patents section
  • European Patent Attorney
  • European Design Attorney


  • Italian Institute of Industrial Property Attorneys
  • European Patent Institute (EPI)



Renato began his career as patent attorney over ten years ago, which has continued since 2014 at Notarbartolo & Gervasi with activities involving drafting and prosecuting patent applications, both in Italy and abroad, guiding clients in undertaking the patent strategy that best suits their needs.


Renato is also a party-appointed technical expert in patent lawsuits, he lectures on patents at universities and has dealt with biomaterials and micro- and nano-manufacturing processes. The results of his research have also been published in the well-known Scientific Reports journal (Nature Publishing Group).


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