Antonio Tarquini

Notarbartolo & Gervasi, Milan
Searches and opinions


  • Master’s degree in chemistry, University of Milan


  • Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP)


  • Italian Association of Patent Documentalists (AIDB)
  • Patent Information User Group (PIUG)



After years of activity in research and development for the chemical industry, Antonio began working in 2006 as a patent researcher at Notarbartolo & Gervasi, where he is currently responsible for the documentation sector.

In addition to being an inventor, author of publications and lecturer, also at the university level, Antonio is one of the leading experts in patent search techniques and bibliographic analysis in the chemical-pharmaceutical, biological and engineering fields, with particular regard to validity, prior art, patentability and freedom to operate searches, watching by technological sector and monitoring of competitors and third-party patents.

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